advertisement column meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "advertisement column" in a sentence
  • advertisement:    n. 1.做广告,登广告。 2.广告,公告;告示。
  • column:    n. 1.【建筑】圆柱;圆柱状物〔如烟柱〕。 2.【军事 ...
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  1. Newspapers ; paper sizes , type area of advertisement , column width of advertisement , space between advertisement columns
  2. Public opinion is also sought and this is done by placing an advertisement , at the applicant s expense , in three newspapers other than in the classified advertisement column in accordance with the requirements and standard format provided by the licensing offices
  3. Public opinion is also sought and this is done by placing an advertisement , at the applicant s expense , in three newspapers ( other than in the classified advertisement column ) in accordance with the requirements and standard format provided by the licensing offices

Related Words


  1. advertisement and trademark in Chinese
  2. advertisement balloon in Chinese
  3. advertisement beauty in Chinese
  4. advertisement board in Chinese
  5. advertisement boarding in Chinese
  6. advertisement columns of metal in Chinese
  7. advertisement company in Chinese
  8. advertisement design in Chinese
  9. advertisement division in Chinese
  10. advertisement expenditure in Chinese
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